The Church calendar, often spelled Kalendar, is filled with feasts and memorials of the life of Jesus and the Saints. These feasts days were often also called holy days and were days of rest, church going, and celebrating. In fact, it is from the words holy day that we get holiday. Almost every day on the calendar has a Saint attached to it and most of those days pass the secular world without much acknowledgement. There are a few, however, which make the news.
Probably the biggest contender is Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ and the gift of salvation has made way for Santa Claus and his toys. Easter inexplicably became a day where an anthropomorphic bunny lays brightly colored eggs that children are supposed to find. St. Patrick's Day is about drinking while St. Valentine's Day is about giving flowers to your sweetheart. Never mind that it actually commemorates St. Valentine whose head was cut off because he would not betray his belief in Christ.
Today is also a big day in the Church and the secular world has managed to interfere again and take the attention away from the Church and focus it on a rodent. February 2nd in the secular world is Groundhog's Day. February 2nd as Rodent Weatherman Day began with the Pennsylvania Dutch who came to America. They thought that if the groundhog came out of its hole today and saw its shadow than that meant 6 more weeks of winter.
Americans being the quirky people we are have kept with this tradition and one day a year place all our hopes on Puxatawney Phil and his weather wise visage. Well, that's nice, but that is not the earlier tradition of the day. In the Church, today is the Feast of the Presentation, or the Feast of the Purification of the BVM, or Candlemas.
In the Old Testament, Leviticus 12 to be precise, God commands that when a woman gives birth she will be ritually unclean for 33 days if she has a son and 66 if she has a daughter. Because she is unclean she will not be allowed to participate in the worship and social events of the community. That sound harsh, but consider that you have 33 or 66 days where you have to stay home and recover from giving birth, where you spend time with your new child, where you give glory to God for this miracle. It's not all bad.
After the days were up, the woman was expected to travel to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and offer to God a lamb without blemish as an offering. If she could not afford a lamb, she could offer a pair of birds. Once the priest made the sacrifice she would be ritually clean and could re-join the community.
Today, February 2nd, marks 33 days since December 25th, the birth of Jesus. Luke 2:22-40 chronicles the event when the Blessed Mother along with her Holy Spouse Joseph and the Child Jesus go to Jerusalem from Bethlehem so that Mary can undergo the ritual of purification.
In Judaism at the time, this is nothing remarkable. However, what sets this event apart is Simeon and Anna. Two prophets who knew as soon as the Child entered the courtyard that He was the Messiah. St. Simeon gives us this beautiful poem we call the 'nunc dimittis' which talks about God fulfilling His promise to Simeon the he would not die until he saw the Messiah.
Perhaps the most heart-wrenching part of this passage is that Simeon, after he glorifies the LORD for HIs faithfulness, warns the Blessed Virgin that a sword will pierce her heart. At the very beginning of the life of Jesus, His death is foreshadowed and, perhaps even worse, Mary will be alive to witness the death of her Son.
This is the event we celebrate/remember today on February 2nd. There is also a tradition in the Church where the new candles for the year are blessed. Because the Mass of the day involved a lot of candles, the day became known as Candlemas. For some, this is the tail end of the Christmas Season so if you still have your decorations up, take them down!
Saint Paul's is a Community of Baptized Christians who are called by God to go out and make disciples of Jesus Christ.