Welcome to Saint Paul's

Welcome to Saint Paul's

How do you worship?

Our service is ancient and liturgical. Our Mass follows the same pattern of worship established by the Early Church. Each Mass contains readings from Sacred Scripture, a Teaching, Affirmation of our Christian Faith, Prayers (for the Church, Nation, and the World), Confession & Absolution of Sin, Holy Communion, and a Blessing.

Our Altar Servers and Clergy wear robes and at the Rite II Mass we chant and use incense.

Why do you wear robes?

There are three reasons why our Altar Servers and Clergy wear robes (Sacred Vestments) during Mass.

  1. To distinguish between everyone's role.
  2. Each person wears a different type of Sacred Vestment, this is so the people in the pews and sometimes the people at the Altar (especially when there are visiting clergy) know what everyone is supposed to do.
  3. To cover our street clothes.
  4. Street clothes, whether Gucci, Chanel, Old Navy, or Goodwill, have a way of dividing us and taking our attention away from what is important. Sacred Vestments ensure that what we are wearing no matter how expensive or inexpensive, is covered so that we can focus on Jesus Christ.
  5. Because we are in service to the King.
  6. Everyone in the Royal Court wants to look their best when they meet the Monarch. So do we.

Why do you chant and use incense?

Saint Augustine of Hippo said that "He who sings prays twice." Chanting is by no means required, but it adds a touch of holiness and importance to the liturgy. Most of the time, our priest chants in tune!

Incense has been used in religious rituals for thousands of years. It is used because it lifts our hearts to Heaven, because the smoke reminds us that the prayers of the Faithful lifting up to the Throne of God, and because it smells nice.

Incense was also an important part of Jewish worship in the Holy Temple during the time of Jesus.

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